This Boxing Day I'm inviting you to fully embrace Winter with the Withdrawal into stillness, softness and silence that the season is calling for. The YIN yoga class will be focused on the WINTER theme of turning inwards, which covers the Kidneys and Urinary Bladder; very restorative while the soothing Nidra practice returns awareness home to the whole body, here and now, as it is!
Yin and Yoga Nidra are such soothing practices that compliment each other in the way of Tuning into BE-ing instead of DO-ing..
🧿Yin yoga is mostly floor based poses that are held between 3-5 minutes with lots of props, allowing the stretch to be felt deeply into fascia and connective tissue.
A general sene of heavy, groundedness is felt after a Yin class, which is perfectly in tune with this Winter season of withdrawing into slow and still vibes.
🧿Nidra too is a Yin a PRACTICE, which allows your whole body to experience deep nourishing rest as we return awareness home to your body through a guided visualisation JOURNEY. Which can and does often take your mind into altered states of consciousness which is deeply restorative and rejuvenating. Can and often does contribute to vivid dreams when you go to actual sleep.
🧿Who's this for?
People who are YANG, ie always on the go, restless ones that rarely relax, slow down or just can't stop DO-ing.
🧿What do you need to do?
Create a cosy comfort space conducive to the Winter theme.Take the time beforehand to burn some incense and a couple of candles. Make yourself a nourishing brew of herbal tea (rosemary, cloves + juniper berries are perfect for NOW!)
Also bring an eye pillow, mask or scarf to cover your eyes, a shawl or small blanket, 2 blocks or heavy books and a bolster or rolled up blankets as a makeshift bolster.
Class is £8 if working or £5 donation if not!
Any questions DM me and please feel free to share with any friends/fam who may also need this nourishing, nurturing practice right now.
Enjoy your week and have a wonderful Christmas if you are celebrating.
Looking forward to some radical REST Together this Sunday.